Birman Breed Standard


Link to the official CFA Breed Standard (click)

IMG 0005


A cat of mystery and legend, the Birman is a color pointed cat with long silky hair and four pure white feet. It is strongly built, elongated and stocky, neither svelte nor cobby. The distinctive head has strong jaws, firm chin and medium length Roman nose. There should be good width between the ears, which are medium in size. The blue, almost round eyes are set well apart, giving a sweet expression to the face.

Points: (100 points)

- Head (including boning, nose, jaw, chin, profile, ear & eye shape & set) 30 

- Body/type (including boning, stockiness, elongation, legs, tail) 25 

- Coat (including lenhgt, texture, run) 10 

- Color (including body color, point color, eye color)  15 

- Gloves (including front & rear gloves, laces & symmetry)  20 



Birman Color Class Numbers (male/female)

Chocolate Point.......................................................... 0180 0181 

Seal Point.................................................................... 0182 0183 

Lilac Point................................................................... 0184 0185 

Blue Point ................................................................... 0186 0187 

Other Solid Point........................................................ 2178 2179 

(Red, Cream) 

Parti-Color Point......................................................... – – 2189 

(Seal-Tortie, Blue-Cream, Chocolate-Tortie, LilacCream) 

Seal Tabby Point....................................................... 2152 2153

 Chocolate Tabby Point............................................. 2154 2155 

Blue Tabby Point ...................................................... 2156 2157 

All Other Tabby Point............................................... 2158 2159 

(Lilac, Red, Cream, Seal-Tortie, Chocolate-Tortie, Blue-Cream, Lilac-Cream) 

AOV....................................................................None None

The position of the white gloves

Highest position allowed


Lowest Position allowed

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